12 Freelance Writing Proposal Template To Help You Get More Clients

Even if you’re a fantastic writer and have a lot of experience writing, it can still be challenging to get your foot in the door when it comes to finding clients and getting hired for projects. 

One way to make things easier is by having a template for your freelance writing proposals that you can send out quickly to each new client. Here are fifteen different freelance writing proposals that you can use as inspiration when crafting your own.

20 Proposal Templates and Design Tips – YouTube
1. Use a well-structured template to save time and increase your chances of success.
2. Customize the template to showcase your unique writing style and expertise.
3. Personalize your proposals to address the specific needs and goals of each client.
4. Include relevant writing samples to demonstrate your skills and capabilities.
5. Clearly outline the scope of work, pricing information, and project timeline.
6. Research industry standards to set competitive pricing for your freelance services.
7. Highlight the benefits and value clients will receive by working with you.
8. Prioritize professionalism and attention to detail in your proposals.
9. Continuously refine and improve your proposals based on client feedback and results.
10. Regularly update and adapt your templates to stay relevant and meet changing client needs.
11. Leverage online platforms and networking opportunities to expand your client base.
12. Maintain a strong online presence and portfolio to attract potential clients.

When You Are In The World Of Freelancing, Every Single Thing That You Do Is In A Bid To Get A Client

When you are in the world of freelancing, every single thing that you do is in a bid to get a client. One of the main steps while on this quest is to write a proposal. This is because it is one of the most important documents that will help you win over clients and land your first project with them.

When it comes down to writing proposals, two things matter most. 

Make sure that they are tailored for each client’s needs and needs of their business, as well as making sure that they contain all valuable information about your skills and experience so as to convince potential clients why should hire you instead of other candidates who may be offering similar services.

When it comes to writing freelance proposals, having a well-structured template can save you time and increase your chances of success. Check out our Freelance Proposals Template Writing Guide to learn how to create effective proposals that grab clients’ attention and land you more projects.” Freelance Proposals Template Writing Guide

1. Proposal Email Example

As the email subject line, you’ll want to use something that reflects your brand and the job at hand. In this case, we’re using “[Freelance Writing Proposal]” in our example below.

In the body of the email, we start with a brief introduction about who we are and what we do. This gives potential clients an idea of who they can expect to work with if they choose to hire us for their project.

We then go into details about what kind of project our client is looking for and how long it will take us (5 days) before wrapping up with full details on pricing including breakdowns for both fixed-price projects as well as hourly rates if needed and payment terms (30 days). 

We also include links where people can learn more about working with us as well as links where they can find more information about our services should they need it before making a decision.

2. Basic Freelance Writing Proposal Template

The purpose of this template is to help you create a freelance writing proposal that will be more appealing and sellable to your clients.

The main goal of this template is to help you understand the basic structure of an effective freelance writing proposal so that you can write one yourself.

The main purpose of this template is to give you an easy way to get started with your own freelance writing business, while still following professional standards and expectations.

The main objective of this template is to make sure that your clients feel like they’re getting their money’s worth when they hire you as a writer for their projects or campaigns.

I use this template because it allows me to create proposals quickly without sacrificing quality or professionalism; I always make sure my clients know what they’re paying for before getting started on any project together!

Are you new to freelancing and wondering what exactly is involved in writing proposals? Our comprehensive guide, Freelancing 101: What Are Proposals?, provides valuable insights and tips on how to craft compelling proposals that showcase your skills and secure freelance gigs.” Freelancing 101: What Are Proposals?

3. How To Fill Out The Basic Proposal Template

To complete this section, you need to fill in all the details about the project. This may include:

  • The number of articles you’re writing
  • Your hourly rate (if applicable)
  • The total amount due for your services
  • The delivery date(s) and any specific deadlines associated with them

Next, fill out the information about the client. This includes their name and contact information, as well as what kind of business they’re running or the organization they work for (if applicable). 

Also, include a brief description of their company culture and what kinds of topics interest them. You must understand who your potential customers are before pitching them on a project because it will help determine how much time and effort goes into it from start to finish!

4. How To Write A Freelance Writing Proposal Template

Freelance writing proposals are business contracts. They help you get your foot in the door with clients, and when you’re ready to get paid for your work, they make sure that you’re properly compensated. 

Proposals also allow both parties to hash out details like the scope of the project and how long it will take before they agree on terms that are agreeable for both parties.

Information You Should Include In Your Proposal

A proposal should include:

  • A description of what type of content you’ll provide (e.g., copywriting, blogging)
  • An overview of why this project is important for your client’s business/brand/social media presence (if applicable)
  • A timeline outlining how long it will take you to complete all tasks specified in their project brief (and whether or not there’s room for revisions after those deadlines)

5. Freelance Writer Contract Template

A freelance writer contract template is a document that outlines the terms of a freelancer’s employment. It should be used by both parties to ensure they know their rights and responsibilities. 

A freelance writer’s contract template is essentially a legal document, so you should consult your attorney if you have any questions about it.

The freelance writer contract template should be signed by both parties before work begins, but it can also be modified as needed throughout the relationship. Once you’ve agreed on an appropriate rate and schedule, use this checklist to ensure everything else is covered:

6. The Best Freelance Writer Proposal

This is a template that includes everything you need to write your freelance writing proposal. It includes an example of a sample contract and also a sample letter that you can use to start the process of convincing clients to hire you.

The best way to get clients is through relationships and recommendations, but sometimes even those don’t work or aren’t enough so it’s important to have a good proposal template on hand when starting as a freelancer so that you can present yourself professionally and make sure the client will be happy with their choice in hiring you instead of someone else.

Want to level up your freelance proposal writing game? Discover the best practices that can help you create persuasive and professional proposals. Explore our article, Best Practices for Writing Freelance Proposals, to learn essential tips and techniques for maximizing your proposal’s impact.” Best Practices for Writing Freelance Proposals

7. Sample Freelance Writing Contract

In this section, we’ll look at a sample freelance writing contract.

A freelance writing contract is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of your agreement with clients. 

It’s important to get it right as it helps ensure you’re paid for your work on time and in full, protects both parties from liability, and ensures that each side understands what they are responsible for completing.

Here are some key things to include in your freelance writing contract:

  • Details about who owns the rights to use any material provided by the client (the freelancer)
  • A payment schedule that specifies how much you’ll be paid through each stage of completion (if applicable)
  • How long copyright will last before reverting over to the client or getting reverted automatically after an agreed-upon period has expired (e.g., 5 years after first publication).

An Example Of A Freelance Contract For Services Between A Company And An Independent Contractor As Well As Best Practices And Terms When Hiring Freelancers For Work-For-Hire Projects For Your Company Or Business

Avoid including a lot of legalese. You don’t need to include many provisions for your freelance contract, especially if you are working with a client who is experienced in hiring freelancers and has worked with them before.

Make sure you get paid on time: If you are working as an independent contractor or freelancer, then all payments must go through your bank account. 

This will help avoid any problems and make sure that both parties are protected from any issues related to the project or work being done by both parties involved in meeting their financial obligations under the terms of this agreement.

Make sure you get paid correctly: It’s important to make sure that when paying someone as an independent contractor or freelancer they get paid correctly as well because if they do not then there could be issues down the road like lawsuits etcetera so make sure everything is done right so no one gets hurt financially later on down the line.

Get everything in writing: One thing we always recommend doing when starting any type of business relationship whether it be personal or professional is getting everything written out so there aren’t any misunderstandings between two parties involved which often leads to more complications than necessary later on down. 

Be clear about what needs to be done: Make sure everyone knows what needs to be done before starting work on something because otherwise, people tend not to know where things stand until afterward which may lead to confusion among other things

8. Writing Job Proposal Template

A writing job proposal template is a document that you create to present your skills, experience, and rates to potential clients. This way, you can use the same document to submit proposals for multiple writing jobs instead of having to create a new one each time.

For it to be effective, your freelance writing proposal template should include all of the relevant information about yourself (e.g., education level and work background), as well as how long it will take you to complete the project at hand. 

The details about how much time it will take for you to deliver should also be included so that your prospect knows what they’re getting into before making any decisions about hiring you as their writer.

If this sounds overwhelming or like something beyond your abilities, don’t worry we’ve got an entire article dedicated specifically to helping out with this task! Check out our guide on “How To Write A Professional Freelance Writing Proposal.”

9. Sample Project Proposal Format For Creative Writing

If you’re a freelance writer or agency, chances are good that you’ll be asked to submit creative writing project proposals. A creative writing proposal is basically a sample of the work you will create for your client.

A well-written creative writing project proposal can help convince clients to hire you and give them confidence in your abilities as a writer. It’s also an opportunity for prospective clients to see what kind of work they can expect from working with you on their projects.

The following template will help guide your thinking when creating a proposal:

10. Services Proposal (Business Blue Design)

A Services Proposal is a formal request to a client for a specific job. The proposal should include a description of the services to be provided, with their cost and payment terms. It should also be written in an easy-to-read and professional format.

A Services Proposal has the following components:

A Cover Letter 

This is where you introduce yourself, explain why they need your services, what experience you have that makes you better than other writers (if applicable), and then tell them exactly what they will get by hiring you. You can also include other relevant information like links to previous work or testimonials from past clients who were happy with your work.

Service Description / Work Plan 

This will outline what exactly it is that you will do for them throughout the time that they hire you. It should include everything from how many articles per week/month, whether or not there are deadlines involved (like monthly reports), etc…

11. Consulting Services Agreement Template Doc

A consulting services agreement is a legal document that outlines the responsibilities of both you and your client. Its purpose is to protect you from any disputes that may come up in the future. If you have ever wondered about consulting services agreements and what they are, this template can help you understand what they entail and how they work.

The key elements of a consulting services agreement can include:

  • The name of both parties involved in the contract
  • An overview of what will be done as part of this project (e.g., “I will write an article for your blog”)
  • A description of how payment will be made (e.g., “You’ll pay $500 when I send over a draft, then another $500 once I finish it”)

Writing a freelance proposal requires careful consideration and strategic approach. Our article, 15 Tips on How to Write a Freelance Proposal for Your Next Project, offers practical advice and proven strategies to craft winning proposals that impress clients and increase your chances of winning projects.” 15 Tips on How to Write a Freelance Proposal for Your Next Project

12. Independent Contractor Agreement Template Pdf Free Download

This template is an example of a contractor agreement. It’s also called a freelancer agreement or independent contractor contract. As the name suggests, it’s used when you’re hiring freelancers to work on projects that aren’t part of your regular workforce at your company.

The main difference between this type of contract and others is who gets paid first: the employer or the employee. In most cases, contractors are paid when their work is complete and approved by their client (the employer). 

However, there are other types of contracts where they’re paid upfront before they start work so they can order materials or hire employees themselves before starting their job with you as an independent contractor agreement template pdf free download

Building a strong reputation on Upwork is crucial for freelance success. Our guide, How to Get a 5-Star Rating on Upwork Even If You’re New, provides valuable insights and actionable tips on how to enhance your profile, secure positive feedback, and establish yourself as a top-rated freelancer on the platform.” How to Get a 5-Star Rating on Upwork Even If You’re New


There are a lot of variables to consider when you’re writing a freelance proposal. Ideally, your proposal will be customized for each client and specific job. For example, if you’re writing a white paper for an IT consulting firm, you wouldn’t include the same case studies as in a proposal for ghostwriting children’s books. 

That being said, it may help to have a generic template that includes all the basics before building your customized version. You can draw from this template for inspiration if you need guidance about what sections to include or how much detail to provide.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources on freelance writing proposal templates that you may find helpful:

PandaDoc Freelance Writing Proposal Template: Access a comprehensive freelance writing proposal template designed to impress clients and win projects. Customize and adapt it to your specific needs.

Indy Content Writing Proposal Template: Explore a content writing proposal template provided by Indy, offering a professional and well-structured framework to showcase your expertise and secure content writing assignments.

Sample Templates Freelance Writing Proposal Template (PDF): Download a PDF version of a freelance writing proposal template from Sample Templates. This template provides a clear and concise format for presenting your writing services to potential clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Freelance Writing Proposal?

A freelance writing proposal is a document that you send to prospective clients when you’re trying to get hired as a writer. You can use it to sell yourself and your skills, or to let the client know what you will deliver and how much it will cost them.

How Do I Write One?

It’s important to be clear, concise, and friendly in your writing. Use bullet points rather than paragraphs so that the reader can quickly scan through what you’re offering. Also, make sure you include pricing information at the top of your proposal so they know right away how much they’ll be paying if they decide to work with you!

Do I Need To Send In A Sample Of My Work?

This depends on whether or not they ask for it! If they don’t mention samples in their job description or if they don’t ask for one specifically when talking with them over the phone or via email then probably not just focus on selling yourself first! 

If they do ask though then go ahead and send over some samples – just remember that these should be recent projects (within six months) so that

What Is A Freelance Writing Proposal?

A freelance writing proposal is a document that you create to convince a client that you are the best person for the job. It’s essentially a sales pitch for your services (which, in this case, is writing).

Do I Need To Write A Proposal? Do Clients Expect It?

It depends on the client and the job you don’t have to write one, but if you don’t, you might lose out on some projects because your potential client doesn’t have as much information about what you can do and what kinds of results they can expect from working with you. 

For example, if they’re looking for someone who has experience editing books, they may not be willing to take on someone with less experience than they need.

What Is A Proposal?

A proposal is an outline of what you’re going to write and how much it will cost. It can be used for anything from an email outreach to a full-blown content marketing campaign.

Why Do I Need One?

A proposal helps your potential clients understand the scope of what you’re proposing, and it gives them a clear picture of what they’ll get for their money. This can make the difference between getting hired or not!

How Do I Write One?

Start by identifying what you’re proposing, then identify the key goals of your project and how you plan on meeting those goals. Next, outline your timeline and budget (if applicable), then add in any other details that might help sell your project. 

Finally, wrap everything up with a final summary of what’s been agreed upon, who will be responsible for what parts of the project, and when those things will happen by.

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