11 Awful Mistakes Freelancers Are Making In India

We all love the comfort of working at home, in pajamas, and under our bed covers. But wait! Is it really that comfortable?

Freelancing is not a job you can do with your eyes closed. It requires a lot of skills and effort to make it big.

India is a booming market for freelancers. Freelancing has made lives simpler and easier with the privilege of working at home in the most flexible and convenient way. The new-age freelance revolution is taking over the traditional 9:00 – 5:00 job culture with a storm.

Here are 11 awful mistakes which I have noticed some of the new Indian freelancers are making.

1 MISTAKE Freelancers do! – YouTube
1. Conduct thorough research before setting your freelancing rates.
2. Clearly define and communicate your scope of work to clients.
3. Establish strong contracts to protect your rights and ensure timely payments.
4. Invest in building a diverse client portfolio to mitigate risks.
5. Prioritize continuous learning and skill development to stay competitive.
6. Avoid excessive reliance on a single freelancing platform.
7. Cultivate effective communication skills to build strong client relationships.
8. Take proactive measures to manage your taxes and finances efficiently.
9. Guard against burnout by maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
10. Embrace the power of networking to expand your professional opportunities.
11. Seek guidance and support from experienced freelancers and industry peers.

1. Expecting High Rates For Mediocre Work

New freelancers in India often quote very high rates for their services. The problem is that this comes across as arrogant and unprepared. If you want to earn more, you need to prove yourself first. Start with lower rates and do great work. You’ll eventually build up to higher rates.

Avoiding these common mistakes is crucial to prevent financial losses in the freelancing world. Explore our article on 10 Reasons Why People End Up Losing Money Freelancing to learn how to protect your earnings and thrive as a freelancer.

2. Being Too Picky About Clients

If you’re trying to get a reputation as a freelancer but are also looking for higher-paying clients, it can be tempting to turn down smaller projects that don’t seem like they’ll lead anywhere important. But turning down work could hurt your business more than help it! If people know they can always count on getting their jobs done quickly with high quality results from you then they will keep coming back again and again!

3. Not Taking Care Of Client Relationships

This is the most common mistake that Indian freelancers make, and it has to do with how they interact with their clients. If you’re not taking care of client relationships by checking in regularly and staying on top of their work, then you’ll end up losing them in no time at all!

4. Not Setting Boundaries

Working for yourself is great—until you realize that all of a sudden you’re putting in more hours than ever before, working every weekend, and missing out on time with friends and family. Try to set up boundaries early on so that you can maintain a healthy balance between work and your personal life.

The rise of freelancing is transforming the way we work. Discover the impact and opportunities of this evolving landscape in our comprehensive post, How Freelancing Is Changing the Way We Work.

5. Not Being Prepared To Handle Criticism

Clients will offer constructive criticism and suggestions, but they won’t always be nice about it. Instead of taking it personally or feeling hurt by the way, they said something, allow yourself time to process the criticism before you respond or react to it.

When you’re a freelancer, you can’t ever let a client’s criticism get you down. If you’re not prepared to handle negative feedback, it can be a serious blow to your confidence and discourage you from continuing your career—but it doesn’t have to be!

If you’re prepared to receive criticism, it will roll right off you like water on a duck’s back. Here’s how to do that:

1. When responding to a client’s criticism, always give thanks first. “Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback!” is great here.

2. Don’t defend yourself; don’t explain why they’re wrong; just accept the criticism and move on. Keep in mind that whatever they tell you is wrong is still their opinion; it’s not fact, so defending yourself is pointless (and kind of unprofessional).

3. If the client has a valid point, make sure to take notes about what the problem was so that the next time something like this comes up, you’ll know how to address it immediately. You won’t make the same mistake twice!

4. Don’t take it personally or get angry about it; if you do, it will only hurt your work in the future and make clients less likely

6. Being Overconfident

Overconfidence is one mistake that many new freelancers make. A common complaint from employers is that inexperienced freelancers often overpromise and underdeliver.

One way to avoid this issue is to quote your projects acchttps://upwork.com/urately, based on the scope of the work you’ve discussed with the employer. Many businesses will want you to use an online tool like a similar project management app to estimate the time and cost of your project before you begin.

If you’re not sure how long something will take, ask the employer what they think is fair, or look at how much other people charge for similar work on freelance marketplace websites like Upwork or Guru.

If you’re considering canceling your Upwork account, think again! We’ve compiled a list of 13 reasons why you shouldn’t make that decision just yet. Check out our guide on 13 Reasons You Shouldn’t Cancel Your Upwork Account Today to explore the benefits of this freelancing platform.

7. Not Having A Plan

Many new Indian freelancers don’t take the time to create a realistic business plan before they jump in. They may have a dream, but without mapping out how they’ll actually achieve their goals, they’re setting themselves up for failure. You’ll need to research the market and create a detailed plan with actionable steps before you go any further.

8. They Aren’t Charging Enough

The worst thing is something a lot of freelancers don’t even realize: they’re charging way too little for their services, and it’s killing their business. When you charge too little, clients can become demanding and take advantage of you. And here’s the kicker: they’ll also assume that your low prices mean your work isn’t very good—and they’ll go elsewhere for better quality (even though it’s probably not true).

Freelancing has the potential to revolutionize your work life. Discover the advantages and opportunities it offers in our article, Freelance Could Change the Way You Work Forever, and explore how this flexible career path can transform your professional journey.

9. They Aren’t Being Selective With Clients

Indian freelancers often accept too much work at once, and this leads them to rush through projects without giving them the attention they deserve. It also leads to a higher amount of stress and frustration, which makes it harder for you to do your best work.

10. Poor Communication Skills

Most Indian freelancers’ communication skills are not up to the mark. They have a problem understanding what the project is about.

They are unable to interpret a client’s requirements and start working on the project, which will lead to a huge misunderstanding. For example, some of them don’t even know that freelancing is working part-time and not full-time.

Because of this, they will not be able to meet their client’s deadlines, which will lead to the cancellation of projects.

11. No Follow-Up

Which is a common problem for many new freelancers. It’s not easy to do consistently, but it’s so critical for long-term success. Without follow-up, clients will not feel as though they have a personal relationship with you or your business, which could lead them to look elsewhere for a freelancer who can meet their needs more consistently.

Striving to become a top-rated freelancer on Upwork? Our detailed, step-by-step guide on How to Become a Top Rated Freelancer on Upwork provides valuable insights and strategies to enhance your freelancing career and increase your chances of success.

Final Thoughts

The Indian freelance industry is on the rise and the talent pool is growing. This means that there are many opportunities for top-notch freelancers. But in order to set themselves apart and make a name for themselves, Indian freelancers need to stop making these common mistakes. Doing so will give them a better chance of landing a dream job, which could land them a spot in India’s top 1% income earners!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources on freelancing mistakes:

Financial Mistakes: Avoiding common financial pitfalls in freelancing: Discover the most common financial mistakes made by freelancers and learn how to avoid them to maintain financial stability in your freelance career.

Common Mistakes Freelancers Make and How to Avoid Them: Explore a comprehensive guide that highlights common mistakes made by freelancers and provides practical tips and strategies to steer clear of these pitfalls.

The Top 9 Mistakes Freelancers Make When Getting Started: Learn about the top mistakes often made by freelancers at the beginning of their careers and gain valuable insights on how to overcome these challenges and establish a successful freelancing journey.


Why Do Indian Freelancers Keep Getting Underpaid?

It’s true that people from India are sometimes paid less than other people for doing the same work, and this is especially true of Indian freelancers.

What Are The Worst Mistakes Indian Freelancers Make?

The worst mistake Indian freelancers make is not spending enough time on their proposals. A lot of Indian freelancers think they can do well in the marketplace with copy-pasted proposals and no cover letters. This is a big mistake.

Why I Am Getting Fewer Clients?

If you are a freelancer and you are not getting enough work then it’s time for you to have a look at the mistakes that you may be making in your work.

How Much Should I Charge For My Freelancing Services?

The easiest answer is that your rate should be equal to or higher than the average market rate.

How Can I Get Better At Avoiding Mistakes?

Practice and dedication! The more you practice avoiding mistakes, the better you will get at it. We also recommend surrounding yourself with people who excel at avoiding mistakes—they can help guide your own efforts.

How Do I Become A Freelancer?

Becoming a freelancer is easy: just create your profile and upload a portfolio of your work. It’s free to get started!

Why Do Indian Freelancers Make These Mistakes?

They make these mistakes because they feel like they need to take every gig that comes their way, regardless of how much it pays them or how silly it is; they assume that no one will pay them what they’re worth so they undervalue themselves, and they assume no one will hire them if they promote themselves.

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